A Girl in Mechanical.
A girl in mechanical.
Well, girls in mechanical are underrated.
It is a straight fact just put there. When someone asks you, "Which branch?", and you give the obvious answer, "Mech", no one would leave without asking a tons of why questions. But I ask, "Why not?". To be completely honest, when I first entered the class, I did feel out of place, like any other person who enters the class on the first day. I wondered how I would survive in a class with 70 boys and 2-3 girls.
But as days passed, I realised I was wrong. There are beautiful people out there sitting right behind you, who need a friend just like you, have the same insecurities, a untold past, a similar comic sense and most importantly a same craziness so much so that which gender you are doesn't really matter.
After hours of chatting between math and computer classes, completing assignments 5 min before the class ends (emphasize on ends) and skipping classes to sit in canteen, classmates became friend who I know will stay for a lifetime.
Well, it's not possible to explain the fun we have together in words because any combination of 26 letters won't let y'all understand how I feel about them. In few months I learnt about spiked cycle wheels, 4 different graphic cards, a million bike model names, laptops to earpods to name it, I heard it. How you dress, is one of the least concerns because you walking in looking homeless will still make you look better than them, dressed like monkeys, you would love yourself. Scratch that, they will make you love yourself by throwing 3 insults per minute.
They will laugh at you straight for 5 min, when you are frantically searching for your scrunchie you thought you lost but actually is on your wrist. They will make weird sounds in the interval of 20 different sounds per 2 seconds and in the end of the day you come home with a headache from all that laughter. Well, every now and then your stapler, glue, pencils, eraser, scale, pens, notes will be taken and you will be given graphs to complete every Thursday morning minutes before the lab submission.
One day before the exam, you distribute notes like food to every single person in your squad and suddenly you are given a godly position. Speaking about food, your snacks will be raided along with everything else in your bag, but who cares, they get you every Xerox from the shop, remember you when they are in the canteen buying packet of chips. They will take advice from you and do the completely opposite thing to what you suggested, and come back to you for help.
They will give you the first glass of chocolate milkshake simultaneously complaining about the phrase 'ladies first'. They will pay for your food and drop you to places. You can talk about why this universe exists to past regrets to the theory of multiple dimensions to family issues to life decisions to why round pizza comes in square boxes to what not. They won't let you carry your own bag around and treat you like the princess your dad always treated you like. They are priceless. At every point as the time passes, you don't really find any difference. Are you missing a girls washroom squad? Well who cares, they will wait outside the washroom holding your bag for you, obviously complaining about the amount of time you spend in there, but won't ever leave.
Anyways if you are wondering why you are reading through all this, I just wanted to put it there to those girls, who are passionate about machines or anything related and want to take up mechanical but have this certain hesitation in your mind, a voice in you telling you, "What if the environment isn't comfortable?", throw all that in the bin and just take it up already because it is one hell of a beautiful course with beautiful hearts and given a chance I would take it up again. Over and over again. It would always be my first and only choice and I don't regret a bit of this.